I Love Art School Girls
Brooklyn's Ninjasonik have teamed up with Mishka NYC again, but this time it isn't a mixtape, but a t-shirt in two different colorways. The New York graffiti artist Faro designed the shirt based on Ninjasonik's song 'Art School Girls'. Hopefully Faro, will have economic success like other New York graffers like CLAW who has moved up from spray paint to clothing lines. This Ninjasoni x Mishka collab tee is a great start, because like any other "urbanwear" brands, the shirt rings up to about $40 when you add shipping, so I think it will be adorned by many true Ninjasonik fans who have a little cash to spare.
Mishka x Ninjasonik Darth Baño Mixtape (zip)

Buy Mishka's 'Ninjasonik Art School Girl Tee' in white HERE

Buy Mishka's 'Ninjasonik Art School Girl Tee' in black HERE

Works by Faro

Where's @KidCudi
Many of Kid Cudi's hardcore fans immediately realized that he deleted his twitter account, even though it was days before the release of his first album. There was a lot of speculation of why he did it. It ranged for the belief that he was upset about how Universal Motown allowed misspellings to end up on his album titles. It was apparent that Motown hit a nerve with another new hip-hop artist. If you can recall, Drake recently publicized his negative feeling about Motown's president, Sylvia Rhone in Fader magazine. However, soon after there was an blast of videos of his apology to her around the Internet. Unlike, Drake who made his feeling known and visible at newsstands across America, Kid Cudi vented his feelings about Motown via twitter. Many fans thought, Kid Cudi deleted his entire twitter account in an attempt to keep good relations with his music label.
via DDotOmen
Other fans thought he was tired of divulging his private thoughts to the world on twitter. This is coupled with his action of deleting his blog as well, which also showed his inner most feeling.
Heather Widener of Herfection, finally got to the bottom of the story with a interview with the moon man himself. In the interview Kid Cudi said, "I wanted to keep my mind to myself again, u kno, like how it use to be. i put so much of ME into my music i gotta draw the line somewhere. plus my words fall into the wrong hands a lot." Kid Cudi gave a very understanding explaination that makes us realized that celebrities are human and that it must be hard to go from relatively obscure to a household name to the younger generation over the passage of a few months. Despite the fact that Kid Cudi helps to represent many people who feel like an outsider, that doesn't mean we need to know his every thought and follow every aspect of his life. His job is a musician and he has shown that he has the ability to make us relate to him through his music.
Green Wavves
The indie group Wavves will soon be in New Orleans thanks to Tulane’s radio station WTUL. They will headline the show at Howlin Wolf on October 8th and will be joined by Ganglinans and New Orleans’ Caddywhompus. The Wavves show is just one of many indie shows occurring this fall. So far, She Wants Revenge, Kill Hannah, Datarock, Esser, and The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have passed into town. In October, Phoenix and Chairlift will start the first day of the month at Tipitinas, Dan Deacon will be at Big Top October 7th, Japandroids will be at One Eyed Jacks on November 1st and that’s just in a single month.
Thursday October 1 @ Tipitina’s – Phoenix, Chairlift
Wednesday October 7 @ Big Top – Dan Deacon, Nuclear Power Pants, Pumpkin
Thursday October 8 @ Howlin Wolf – Wavves, Ganglians, Caddywhompus
Friday October 16 @ One Eyed Jacks – Japandroids
Friday October 31 – Sunday November 1 @ City Park – Voodoo Music Experience
Sunday November 1 @ One Eyed Jacks – Pnuma pa, Sage Francis, Emancipatro
Sunday November 15 @ Republic – Say Anything, Eisley, Moneen, Miniature Tigers
Wednesday November 18 @ Tipitina’s – Camera Obscura
Friday November 27 @ Howlin Wolf 8pm $20 -- Misfits
Many of Kid Cudi's hardcore fans immediately realized that he deleted his twitter account, even though it was days before the release of his first album. There was a lot of speculation of why he did it. It ranged for the belief that he was upset about how Universal Motown allowed misspellings to end up on his album titles. It was apparent that Motown hit a nerve with another new hip-hop artist. If you can recall, Drake recently publicized his negative feeling about Motown's president, Sylvia Rhone in Fader magazine. However, soon after there was an blast of videos of his apology to her around the Internet. Unlike, Drake who made his feeling known and visible at newsstands across America, Kid Cudi vented his feelings about Motown via twitter. Many fans thought, Kid Cudi deleted his entire twitter account in an attempt to keep good relations with his music label.

Other fans thought he was tired of divulging his private thoughts to the world on twitter. This is coupled with his action of deleting his blog as well, which also showed his inner most feeling.
Heather Widener of Herfection, finally got to the bottom of the story with a interview with the moon man himself. In the interview Kid Cudi said, "I wanted to keep my mind to myself again, u kno, like how it use to be. i put so much of ME into my music i gotta draw the line somewhere. plus my words fall into the wrong hands a lot." Kid Cudi gave a very understanding explaination that makes us realized that celebrities are human and that it must be hard to go from relatively obscure to a household name to the younger generation over the passage of a few months. Despite the fact that Kid Cudi helps to represent many people who feel like an outsider, that doesn't mean we need to know his every thought and follow every aspect of his life. His job is a musician and he has shown that he has the ability to make us relate to him through his music.
Green Wavves
The indie group Wavves will soon be in New Orleans thanks to Tulane’s radio station WTUL. They will headline the show at Howlin Wolf on October 8th and will be joined by Ganglinans and New Orleans’ Caddywhompus. The Wavves show is just one of many indie shows occurring this fall. So far, She Wants Revenge, Kill Hannah, Datarock, Esser, and The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have passed into town. In October, Phoenix and Chairlift will start the first day of the month at Tipitinas, Dan Deacon will be at Big Top October 7th, Japandroids will be at One Eyed Jacks on November 1st and that’s just in a single month.
Thursday October 1 @ Tipitina’s – Phoenix, Chairlift
Wednesday October 7 @ Big Top – Dan Deacon, Nuclear Power Pants, Pumpkin
Thursday October 8 @ Howlin Wolf – Wavves, Ganglians, Caddywhompus
Friday October 16 @ One Eyed Jacks – Japandroids
Friday October 31 – Sunday November 1 @ City Park – Voodoo Music Experience
Sunday November 1 @ One Eyed Jacks – Pnuma pa, Sage Francis, Emancipatro
Sunday November 15 @ Republic – Say Anything, Eisley, Moneen, Miniature Tigers
Wednesday November 18 @ Tipitina’s – Camera Obscura
Friday November 27 @ Howlin Wolf 8pm $20 -- Misfits
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